Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Everyone Cut Footloose!

It's over! I must say that this show has been hard, but I'm really going to miss it. Even though there were some rough spots I really bonded with alot of these people who were in it. I almost cried the last performance...and I'm not emotional at all. I think I've watched the DVD four or five times and it's only been two days. I don't know why this show has left me wanting more...there hasn't ever been a show where I felt this way before. It was an awesome experiance being the costumer and I'm looking forward to the next time...Treasure Island here I come!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Footloose Flash Mob

So I'm the costume design intern for ACT! For Youth's production of Footloose...I've already written about this. But during this production someone decided to try and do a flash mob. Here's a video of me getting ready for the flash mob (I had to learn the dance in 2 hours) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNT6BAgwEoo&feature=endscreen&NR=1 and the actual flash mob.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2b4kK2EI7E So it was a ton of fun and I would love to do it again!!! (This was the most I have ever danced in my life and I think I should probably stick to costuming.)